About Kim

I’m Kim Korte, Emotion Culturist.

A culturist is an advocate of culture or of a particular method of cultivating mind or body. My method is the Emotion Chef.

Why this great interest in emotions?

It developed after a very painful divorce, which included losing two business and most of my social circle. My emotions were all over the place. I had lost life’s equilibrium and was had a hard time getting it back. Not only was the journey to find it successful, but it also led to me a business I never expected.

I always knew that your thoughts impacted how your felt, but after reading How Emotions Are Made: The Secret Life of the Brain, I understood more deeply the importance of the labels we assign to our emotional events. My personal revelation was that emotions don't happen to us, we create them, similar to a recipe. When we understand that, we gain control. The Emotion Chef is all about identifying the ingredients in our emotional recipes and learning how to create new ones.

Dr. Susan David said it best:

"Many adults still don't use their words to define and understand their experiences. Without the subtle differentiation in meaning provided by language, they're unable to make sense of their personal issues...merely finding a label for emotions can be transformative, reducing painful, murky, and oceanic feeling of distress to a finite experience with boundaries and a name."

What led me down this path? It started with a quest to get my own life on track after suffering many of the same things that you may have suffered: abuse, death, divorce, deceit, loss, and the emotions that come with those experiences. I realized that is isn't the fall, it is how you get up.

My professional experience spans working in accounting for various companies, project manager and serial entrepreneur. For over 13 years I owned a successful consulting business, dabbling with coaching on the side and developing the course content. Then I decided to make teaching the Emotion Chef my sole business.

Why would I take the risk? Passion to make the world a better place. Not just corporations, but for people who would otherwise not have access to this kind of training.

Emotionchef.com is for individuals. They can join an online course and soon will be able to purchase a self-paced course.

Resiliencerecipe.com is for corporations and organizations. The content can be customized for their needs after an assessment.

Everything I teach is supported by research, papers, and books written by neuroscientists, psychologists and others in the scientific world. What can I say, I am a nerd at heart.

I am happy to say that I am living happily in the Northern California wine country with my husband, Andrew, and our two adorable dogs, Finnegan and Fiona. I am a Certified Strategic Intervention Life Coach and a Certified Brain Health Coach through Amen Clinics.