Kim Korte

Emotion Culturist

A Culturist is an advocate of culture or of a particular method of cultivating mind or body. As an advocate of emotional culture, my method is The Emotion Chef. 

NOTE: Until April 30th, I am offering free Managing Stress with The Emotion Chef webinars as a way of giving during this pandemic. Check the calendar for available times.


What is Your Emotional Culture?

Organizational Culture

Whether you’re in tech, retail, service-based business, or a start-up, emotional intelligence is integral to your company’s performance and communication. The Resilience Recipe delivers customized content for your organization's needs.

Resilience Recipe

Personal Culture

Increased ability in managing your emotions gives you control over your life, your relationships, your experience, and your growth. The Emotion Chef course provides easy to understand ways to manage them.

Emotion Chef

Subscribe for Emotion Tips and More!

Why Emotion Chef?

Emotions don’t happen TO you, you CREATE them. When you learn how emotions are created, you increase your ability to manage your emotions and increase your resilience.

Having more control and resilience not only improves your physical and emotional health, it directly impacts your relationships (both in your personal and work life), and allows you to cultivate an emotional culture that you want for yourself or your organization.

"Thoughts drive emotions. Emotions drive decisions.
Decisions drive your life. Question is, who is driving? "

Don't Take My Word For It

Paige Holman

VP Banking Center Manager

I loved Kim’s class THE Resilience Recipe. Over the four-week course, I looked forward to each week’s new topic and found that it was easy and helpful to apply in my day to day life. Living and working in New York City the grind can catch up with you. I found this class allowed me to work through many issues with clients and life situations with a different mindset. At the end of the day it helped me to feel calmer, happier and communicate better with relationships whether client or personal. I highly recommend this class.

Candyce Lee

Human Resource Manager

"As an HR Benefits and Wellness Program Manager the positive attributes of the program were recognizable from the first session. The content and Kim's delivery will dramatically impact and change your employees, which in turn positively impacts the culture and company bottom line. If you are looking for a culture shift in your organization and increased employee productivity - Kim will deliver! She is as an engaging coach, program developer and presenter. On a personal note; daily I use the Natural Repellent for Ants and continually practice being an Emotion Chef - all concepts taught during the 4-week session. Great program, easy to understand with concepts that are applicable to life!"